My oldest daughter drew drew the cover of Basic Edition D&D as a birthday present for me.
I added the layout and logos. Hope you like it, I'm gonna use it for a personalized
copy of ML74.
Like it? I LOVE it. I was very surprised to see such a neat piece of art for M74 come across my RSS feed for this forum this morning. You and your daughter have made my day! And since it is Monday, probably my week.
I'd like permission to use it on the M74 web page (and as an optional cover for the main rules) if you and your daughter are willing. Credit and copyright info could be added to the back. I'm doing a special digest edition of the upcoming 1.1 rules that has some very printer-friendly art in it. While your daughter's art isn't very printer-friendly, it would be a great optional cover for the standard six full-size page tiny print edition.
I know its Basic rather than OD&D, I should have had her draw the cover of the Blue (Holmes) edition.
But I always really liked those colors. Erol Otus rules!
The Erol Otus style captures the essence of early D&D in the minds of a lot of us around back then, so no one is going to care that it is not very "1974." Okay, a few people will but I'm willing to plug my ears to their gripes.