Someone was telling me today about some sort of house-rules set that limited 3e to just 6 levels.
There are a number of long threads on it on ENWorld (which is still down or I'd like to one of them). Characters are limited to 6 levels and have a usually have a much smaller selection of feats. After hitting sixth level they get one additional feat every 5000 XP. The system is designed for running low-powered campaigns using almost all the 3e rules and systems, so it might not be the best set of rules for your group's problems.
Greyharp mentioned Microlite20. It's great -- the best thing to come out of 3e, IMHO. A very rules lite system (main rules are about 2 pages!) based enough on 3e that about 95% of 3e adventures and other materials can be used with it without a lot of work. (Material for other games and older editions will work as well.) It is VERY easy to adapt and modify -- as easy as OD&D, in my opinion.
Here's a link to the first long thread on it at ENWorld: to the newer thread:'s a link to some discussion on RPGNet: (Microlite20's creator) just had a fund drive to start a Microlite20 web site. The fund drive was successful (in only a couple of days) and the new site will be appearing here: Correction: The start of the site is there now. Greywulf has been busy.