not buying current books which hurts the profits of WOTC and Hasbro making it less likely that they will continue to publish D&D materials.
My heart bleeds.

I haven't played D&D for years. I don't know if that puts me outside the target of the diatribe, or just makes me a plain old heretic. I could care less if WOTC et all make D&D books.
fragmenting the hobby. When everyone plays the same edition and plays it by all the books, it makes it easier for players to find games. The more people refuse to upgrade to the latest version every few years, the more fragmented the hobby becomes and the harder it is to find players.
Yes, but what if I don't want to play *that* game? I find it a lot easier t stick with a group you like, and try whatever game it is you like there, rather than finding a new group for whichever game you want to play. By this logic, only one roleplaying game should be allowed, and whilst we're at it, we probably should ban all religions but one, etc etc.
Very few games can do everything. GURPS tries, but it isn't my favourite system. My favourite games of the moment are those with simple rules that are geared towards doing a particular thing.
I don't know about you, but I don't feel any obligation to keep WOTC or Hasbro in the black and I feel that the second argument makes as little sense as saying that American Football fans should stop watching their favorite sport and support Soccer (Football to the rest of the world) because Soccer is the more popular game.
What do you think? Are we fans of older versions of D&D hurting the hobby by our refusal to fall in love with, buy, and play the current edition of D&D?
Again, not a D&D fan. But I do buy new books - often games I will probably never run, because I'm interested in just reading it, or possibly taking inspiration for another game, etc. And I still have a part of me deep inside that is looking for the elusive perfect system that will let me run an amazing game. Haven't found it, naturally.

So I like some old stuff, and some new stuff. I don't think I can be particularly accused of being 'hidebound.' But the thing I'm looking for in a game is quality. I feel no need to buy rubbish that other people like, and to play that rubbish, to keep them happy.
On a seperate note, my next campaign will be for an old game long out of print (The Ars Magica game plan died when something else got my attention) - Amber.
A minimum amount of stats relatively simple rules (the complexity being in interpretation), and no dice. I like random results, but I'm getting tired of so-called competent characters appearing amazingly bad because the player rolled badly.
If a new game comes out that will address what I want in a game - great. I'm not going to buy it solely because it is new, and because it might keep the hobby going. If the roleplaying business went under, it wouldn't prevent me from roleplaying.