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 on: December 27, 2008, 03:09:42 pm 
Started by Chgowiz - Last post by randalls
I've added a download link to Chgowiz's M74 character sheet to the new Microlite74 page:

 on: December 26, 2008, 05:31:25 pm 
Started by randalls - Last post by randalls
The changes have begun. The start of a Drupal website has replaced the original Retroroleplaying site -- with all the original material available here until it gets moved to the new version of the site.

Work on the new forum has begun as well.

 on: December 23, 2008, 10:41:53 am 
Started by Chgowiz - Last post by randalls
Oh yes! Or write all those nasty thoughts about the DM... Wink

LOL. That too.

 on: December 23, 2008, 10:40:00 am 
Started by Chgowiz - Last post by randalls
I told her it was a test and we'll see how it goes.

Side Note to All: I've found that a willingness to undo any really bad effects of rules being playtested which turn out not work out makes players much less likely to complain about playtesting rules in a regular campaign.

 on: December 23, 2008, 10:39:17 am 
Started by Chgowiz - Last post by Chgowiz
Thank you very much! It's great.  I'll add this to the M74 page so all M74 players can find it.

Personally, I think players LOVE large areas to record treasure and magic items as they hope to find enough of both to fill the areas. LOL.

Oh yes! Or write all those nasty thoughts about the DM... Wink

 on: December 23, 2008, 10:37:29 am 
Started by Chgowiz - Last post by randalls
He loved playing.  He took a copy of the rules home so he could play with a friend.   I liked it when the MU cast a sleep spell and took damage and he said "Magic hurts but sure is powerful." 

This is one of the things that made 0e different in general.  A first level 0e magic-user may have had only one spell a day, but some of the spells available were very powerful: sleep and charm person, especially.  First level were toned down in power in later editions, which I always thought was a questionable idea.

 on: December 23, 2008, 10:31:45 am 
Started by Chgowiz - Last post by randalls
In the tradition of the "never published" TSR Character Reference Sheets for OD&D, I've created a microlite74 character reference sheet. It has the basics that you'll need, plus a lot of room for tracking things. I've noticed how people seem to use a lot of room when writing down treasure and XP.

Please note that it's public domain, shareable to all.

Thank you very much! It's great.  I'll add this to the M74 page so all M74 players can find it.

Personally, I think players LOVE large areas to record treasure and magic items as they hope to find enough of both to fill the areas. LOL.

 on: December 23, 2008, 09:27:27 am 
Started by Chgowiz - Last post by Chgowiz
In the tradition of the "never published" TSR Character Reference Sheets for OD&D, I've created a microlite74 character reference sheet. It has the basics that you'll need, plus a lot of room for tracking things. I've noticed how people seem to use a lot of room when writing down treasure and XP.

Please note that it's public domain, shareable to all.

 on: December 23, 2008, 08:17:12 am 
Started by Chgowiz - Last post by Chgowiz
I've posted a third installment, where my wife learns combat tactics from observation and she solves her first "room/trap" puzzle on her own.

 on: December 23, 2008, 08:16:21 am 
Started by Chgowiz - Last post by Chgowiz
@Dragonstories - let us know how it goes. I told my wife I was "freezing" her HP to her level of 13 as she just hit 2nd level (Yay, she survived! Hirelings did not though.. LOL) and she understood although she wasn't too thrilled, I think, about the danger going up. I told her it was a test and we'll see how it goes.

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